Photobucket isn´t that great well this blog is exspecialy for me and my Friends but i don´t will get angry if someone i don´t know watch this side, feel free to take a look~ [PLEASE DO NOT make comments / i don´t have the time to read them ^^''']

Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

[INFO] TVfXQ´s Premier Lotte in Seoul Talk Show

東方神起 ロッテ免税店モデル就任を記念した、【東方神起 ロッテ プレミアトークショー in Seoul】が開催決定いたしました! 下記内容にてツアーが発表されておりますのでご案内いたします。

by CSSP@Keira

......waiting of translation........
aaaaaaaahhhhh Keira hurry up~ XDD

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