Photobucket isn´t that great well this blog is exspecialy for me and my Friends but i don´t will get angry if someone i don´t know watch this side, feel free to take a look~ [PLEASE DO NOT make comments / i don´t have the time to read them ^^''']

Dienstag, 30. November 2010

[VIDEO] JYJ Flashmob in Germany

i found the Video for this JYJ Flashmob event o____o

by JYJsHeart

Freitag, 26. November 2010

[Project] JYJ "Ayyy Girl" Flash Mob in Germany

EDIT (they changed the date oo')

Where exactly: At the bottom of the Rhine
Date: 08.01.2011
Time: 15 pm
Music: Ayyy Girl
Dance: Dance Video to practice
Outfit: all in White, all in Black or in Black-White

for more inromation visit: AnimexEvent

Credit: Bo-ram@mexx + ProjectWorld

thats awesome!
i love flashmobs *____*

Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

[Project] JYJ Want to Know their Fan in Europe

And here my frist Post *__*

One of JYJs Staff wanna know how much JYJFans do
exist in Europe.
so please help me to let know him how much we really are
and in which Place in Europe we live.
Please send this Link to other Fans and FanPages
the Time is running!
DEADLINE: 28.11.2010

Credit: Eric + Keira@CSSP

the deadline will end up soon O__O
I sould start to send this to all my
lovly friends xD


Hey Guys I´m Back! xD
Exam has fineshed and i´m really happy
to be online again xDDDD~
Hope you guys missed me ^___~
It was really terrible and a few of my teachers was
very disappointed that the most in our vintage has a C
there was only a few who was better than that ^^'''

like me xDDD
well, not the whole subject x'D
English: B+
German: B
Math: C- (i really hate math -__-')
Korean: C+ *___*
Biological: comming soon
Physics: C+

should i say that i´m a bit dump x'D
i´m not good in test things ~__~
But happily, i will get a B as a overall rating ^___^
now its Time to spam Again xDD


Mittwoch, 3. November 2010


I´´m for a few weeks away ^_______^
have to learn for my exmas ~___~

see ya ^.~

Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

[Project] German JYJ ~Idea Showcase Project

well, here a forum thats ONLY for the JYJ Showcase in Germany~

its a forum where we can collect all idea´s for the showcase
like: t-shirt logo, maybe a present box..... something like that~

the most a planing to make a Europe Project but me and the most german fans (no need to tell the namens) thinks that it could be boring for the boys to see
in every EU Country the same stuff~
so we are planing to make a German Project ^^

everbody who wanna join
feel free to post your idea in this forum ^_______~

Credit: CSSP@Yumi

Forum Location: made by Maya-Seoul

PS: Sorry for the BAD looking forum~ i hadn´t that much time to make it ''better looking'' xDDDD

Well, i think it would be better to make just a PresentBasket Project
because......i will wear a red Shirt but with a logo that i have made on my own xD
to have the same color it enough
don´´t you think so? o______O
heheheeeee xDDDDD~

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

[CF] JYJ Showcase Facebook


Hey ist dir langweilig?
hast du bock auf Party?
dann trag dich hier ein! xD

hör mal zu ich bin hier und wo bist du?
los komm mit mir~
ich bin die Party Verückte

komm lass alles stehen
wir gehen gemeinsam zum Concert
und tanzen wie die wilden
dann kannst du mal seh'n
die Jungs zeigens dir wie das (oh oh)
gehn so richtig ab
da wackeln hier die wände,
hier macht schon keiner schlapp

sorry ich glaub ich hab n bissel zu viel gesoffen xDDDD

[INFO] JYJ Showcase in Europe???

(5min work by Me x'D)

Well, guys the only thing what i can say about that is
that they are planning to make a showcase in Europe as well
but they are still planning~
....i can´t tell you when, where...etc.

so STOP mailing me x'D
my My mailbox is overwhelmed because of your questions @~@

i´m one of the persons who stays also on the waitinglist

i activated the Naver News Box on my Mobile
so i will tell you more infos when i get some about that, okey? x'D

headache ~________~

Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

[Selfmade] Yesung & Donghae

uff its so boring now ~____~
its school vacation and i don´t have to work till Saturday
and everybody is sleeping now
soooo what should i do?
i tried to watch ''Heaven´s Postman''
but I gave up after 30min cause my korean is still bad so
thanks to jaejoong because of his mumble i coulnd´t really understand what he
is saying ~____~
woooooaaaaa need more korean practice x'D

here the think that i started to make


and yeaaaaaah as you can see it´s not finished yet
i´m too lazy to finish it yes
so maybe i will do it later
or in a few days....who knows~

Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010

[CF] JYJ Europe Tour

Waiting till Monday for more Infos @______@

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

[SelfMade] Super Junior Cosplay

well, the Cosplay Group was the only one about the Project that really worked ^^'
the Video......well, i will upload it as a privat fan video because i think the story and quali. is too boring to send to suju x'D

here a view pictures~

maybe it would have looked better
if we had taken the blue as the red version
more super junior like, you know?
it looks like a mix off 동방신기 and 슈퍼주니어
two in one xDDDD~

how should i explain this
it was hard to find a other name with only
11 letters
perved suju members

me and my twin
double Sungmin *,.*

awwwww isn´t that cute?
moi as Sungmin and jae as bali from UKiss
Balmin........Sungli......strange couple name

well, 5 members left
should i explain why oO?
better not its a loooooooong story ~_____~
but i promis that next time you will see all members
in our cosplay group ^.~

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

[Fanmeeting] K-Music Fanmeeting (Germany)

Frankfurter Buchmesser 2010

9.10 - 10.10.2010

1:00 pm

Hof vom Messegelände

Planing List
playing games
write in Conhons
taking Pictures
listen to music
making Video (MV for the SuJu Project)

around 37 yet~

Cosplayer Groups

2PM - Color
♥ Chameleongirl - xuchini
♥ Black - xiongmao
♥ PinkWhiteJay - Makino [xD]
♥ Yin -
♥ Yang - love_hanabi
♥ Yellow - Monceri
♥ [Green - Yvonne]
♥ Pink - Sophia (nur für ein Tag)
♥ Purple - YooMi

Super Junior - U (Red version)
♥ Han-kyung - Aki
♥ Shi-won - Yami
♥ Ryeo-wook - MochiLau
♥ Dong-hae -
♥ Eun-hyuk - Zion_Sky
♥ Ye-sung - Momo
♥ Sung-min - Maya (Moi xD)
♥ Shin-dong -
♥ Lee-teuk - NaKa-Ribbon
♥ Kyu-hyun - Svenja
♥ Kang-in - Mayou
♥ Ki-bum - Yuyu
♥ Hee-chul - 6xRyux3

wanna join the meeting,too?

or if you wanna be a part of one of their Cosplay Groups
for 2pm - Color

Super Junior - U

Mittwoch, 4. August 2010

[Selfmade] DBSK~ Junsu left ^^''

woaaaa i have never thought that i´m getting better in
coloraiting but i do *__*

I needed for each Pic only one day
isn´t that awesome? *___*
my own world record xDDDD

i´m soooooooo proud of myself xDDD
yeah a bit conceited, who cares >.>


his mouth looks a bit like a Monkey oO'''


awwww Yoochunah~
do you need a Corner? xD


Eonni do you see that?
Changmins Pic looks a bit more like my ex-boyfriend as himself oO'''
scary xDDDDD~
but that was definitely not what i intended....really not x'D


do you wanna know, how I got on this Motif?
well, i just can say that i had a awesome dream *,.* .....xD

well, as you see Junsu is missing
but tomorrow is also a day xDDD~

Freitag, 16. Juli 2010

[PROJECT] Super Junior /German Fan-Pro.

Hallöli Leute!

Schön das Ihr den Weg hierher gefunden habt o^________^ö

also zum Project~

Eigentlich hatte ich vor, eine Super Junior Cosplay Gruppe
für die Frankfurter Buchmesse zusammen zu suchen.
Nur da dachte ich dran warum nicht gleich ein Projekt drauß zu machen ^^

gecosplayt wird dieses Outfit

entweder in Blau oder Rot....das können wir ja dann zusammen klären~
(obwohl ich das in Rot besser finde xD)
~das Cosplay ist für die Frankfurter Buchmesse~

Dort wird mit allen Teilnehmen die zur Buchmesse kommen (ob Cosplay oder nicht)
ein Video gedreht~
(welche Art von Video muss ich noch schauen....vielleicht irgend was lustiges)

Photoshooting mit den Cosplay Teilnehmern

für die Leute die wegen irgend nem Grund nicht zur FBM kommen, können nen
kleinen Gruß (Briefe, Fotos, Gedichte etc.) für die Jungs zu mir schicken.
zur Mail:
- max. 2 DNA4 Blätter
- keine Werbung (z.B. das sie nach Deutschland kommen sollen, links etc.)
- Text in Englisch, Koreanisch, Japanisch (was anderes verstehen die glaub ich nicht oo')
- keine Pornografischen Bilder (lol)
- Briefumschlag....erlaubte Formate C6, B6, DL (C5/6)(bitte nicht größere benutzten)
- den Briefumschlag mit dem Namen eures favo. Memerbers beschriften falls es nur für 1 Person bestimmt ist.

Eure Briefe etc. bitte in die Umschläge tun aber noch nicht schließen!
Ich werde sie erst wegen den oben benannten gründen überfliegen müssen und dann schließen~
für alle die Ihren Brief doch verschlossen haben werde ich leider öffnen müssen~

Das Video, die Briefe & Cosplay Fotos werden dann in einem Päckchen zu LeeTeuk´s Heim geschickt ^_____^
oder wenn ihr wollt kann ich es auch zu Teuki & Eunhyuks Radiostation schicken
vielleicht lesen sie ein Paar laut vor xDDD

wer Interesse hat kann sich hier bei mir melden
(bitte nicht bei msn adden!)

das Cosplay ist vom Projekt das HAUPTSÄCHLICHE!
3 Members left:

♥ Han-kyung - Aki (verhandelbar)
♥ Shi-won -
♥ Ryeo-wook - MochiLau
♥ Dong-hae -
♥ Eun-hyuk - Zion_Sky
♥ Ye-sung - (not sure)
♥ Sung-min - Maya (Moi xD)
♥ Shin-dong -
♥ Lee-teuk - NaKa-Ribbon
♥ Kyu-hyun - Svenja
♥ Kang-in - Mayou (verhandelbar)
♥ Ki-bum - Yuyu (verhandelbar)
♥ Hee-chul - 6xRyux3

Unser Treffen bei der Frankfurter Buchmesse findet am 2010-10-09 statt
DEADLINE für die Briefe

PS: Wer seinen Brief auf koreanisch haben will, bin ich gerne behilflich und übersetzte es für euch ^_______^

PPS: 1. wo wir uns Treffen und so schreibe ich später auf.....bin mir noch nicht so sicher~
2. die Addy wo ihr die Briefe hin schicken müsst bekommt ihr dann per Mail
3. alle die zur FMB kommen und ne Mail mit schicken wollen, können es mir auch dort geben


E.L.F FanClub member since 2005 *________*

habs endlich geschaft ein Video dafür zu machen
is zwar öde geworden aber naja ^^'

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

[SELFMADE] Yunho Evisu

yeah finaly i got it xDD
after 3 month x'DDD~
i finshed with my Yunnie Pic
uff i thought it would never end ~___~
there was always a thing that i didn´t
like so i had to fix it
its still not that good but i´m too lazy
to change it ~.~

Mi-Nam sorry for waiting so long TTvTT

i think i used to much make-up oO'''


and this will be the next one
what i have to finish XDD