Photobucket isn´t that great well this blog is exspecialy for me and my Friends but i don´t will get angry if someone i don´t know watch this side, feel free to take a look~ [PLEASE DO NOT make comments / i don´t have the time to read them ^^''']

Samstag, 16. August 2008

080815 DBSK Summer SMTown 2008

They bring that sexy back.......xDD~

Credit: as tagged

I have never seen so much skin befor @_@
maybe we see next year a nacked calender of them xD (like shinhwa)
I hope not ^^''' They are still my little boygroup xDDD~
It maked me really happy to see them with there ''Hug''
outfits again....the wonderful memoris of 2004 comes back TT_____TT

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